
“There is nothing more rare, nor more beautiful, than a woman being unapologetically herself; comfortable in her perfect imperfection. To me, that is the true essence of beauty.” -Dr. Steve Maraboli

What goes around comes around. I truly believe that if you put good out into the world, it will come back to you in one way or another. It can be so difficult to go day by day and feel like nothing good ever comes to you. Nothing ever happens as quickly as we would like, but I do believe that our individual challenges have ways of working themselves out. Whether you are religious or not, no matter what you believe in, I believe that in the end everything will fall into place as it should- that is, if we have the patience to wait long enough. I’ve always somehow ended up in the right place at the right time, and time and time again I realize that everything happens for a reason.

The whole time that I’ve been sick, I have thought to myself, “What would I say if I had five minutes left to live and knew that every person I’ve crossed paths with could hear my thoughts?” The thinking in the shower, the thoughts that go through my head as I strum my guitar- My realizations that despite everything, I have ended up exactly where I am supposed to be.

You don’t want to live life constantly searching for the “better tomorrow’s”. If you live each day only thinking about what you would do if the day had been better to you, before you know it, you will discover that life has passed you by. If you make it a point to find just one good thing that happened, maybe you will discover that there really is light at the end of your dark tunnel.

One of the parts that I appreciate the most about living with a chronic illness and having so many close friends with chronic illnesses- I don’t leave words left unsaid. I tell my friends that I love them every chance I get because in the back of my mind I always ask myself if I would be happy with my words if they were to be the last words to a dear friend.

I am not walking the path that I would have chosen for myself. I am a rare breed of human who can’t be found just anywhere. I smile in the face of a challenge and don’t fear diversity the way that most women my age do. My body is flawed in more ways than can be counted, but I no longer try and hide behind my differences. At the end of the day, all anyone wants is to find happiness in all the dark shadows of the world. If my little voice can play a part in paving the way for all of my fellow rare warriors, I know that each of my days are playing out exactly as they should. I will never fit in with the cookie cutter persona that our society expects women to uphold, but for the first time in my life, I am perfectly okay with that.IMG_1914

Happy Rare Disease Day!